Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Boo Yeah!! I feel Great!


So, The wife and I decided that we are going to weigh in on tuesday nights, aka The Biggest Loser night, to keep in track with the show. Also, we decided that we were going to "play along". So here's what we decided. Since obviously we don't have the time commitment that the contestants do because we have jobs and shit, there's no way that we can match the numbers that the contestants are pulling. Also because they have the two best trainers in the world, a la Bob and Jillian. But there is a team on the show, husband and wife, that are very similar in weight to Lindsay and myself. The Red Team. The guy weighs in at 365 and he is 6'3". I am 381 at 6'2". The girl is 233 at 5'6". Lindsay is 213 at 5'5". So we figured that for every 3lbs that they lose, we have to lose 1lb. The girl was down 19lbs the first week, so Lindsay need to lose 6lbs. The guy was down 21lbs, so I need to lose 7lbs. These are both pretty steep goals however I really think it'll help keep us in line.

On another note. Lindsay and I went out and joined Anytime Fitness, a 24-hour fitness club that right around the corner from where we live. It is quaint and little but perfect for me and Lindsay to bust out some cardio and reps. We went tonight and I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, Squats, Chest Press, Tricep Extensions and I feel fantastic. I am really looking forward to going again tomorrow.

So, I ate my dinner earlier, and I'm going to try not to eat after 8pm. I might drink some more water and then I need to log everything into My Daily Plate. Hopefully I can keep myself on track and lose some serious poundage.

After that, some deadliest catch reruns then off to bed. Awww yeah boy!



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