Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So it's been a while...

So I'm going to a college tomorrow for an open house. Lindsay thinks that I would make a good cop, and after talking about it, I think I would too. I mean, what a thing to train for, and what a payoff. IDK i really think it would be a good thing for me to shoot for and train toward and work for. who knows.

I do know that Ive been to the gym 4 times in three days and I'm loving it. Every time i go I want to stay longer. Hopefully i can.

I am also going to make it a goal starting Today... TUESDAY...to blog everyday and just put it out there and write. As it is know I am logging my my training exercise on The Daily Mile and it keeps me focus and proud and on track.

I told you it'd be epic.



1 comment:

  1. wow brodjer, that is very epic. Very excited for you! Shoot for the stars!!!
